Wharfedale Men’s Shed was commissioned to re-build the information sign which is located in the centre of Silsden, and which informs the readers of the origin of Silsden going back to around 500 A.D.
The sign had been installed for quite a number of years and the oak framework was suffering from exposure to the elements, being quite rotted in places. We were asked if we could refurbish the frame, but on examination we judged that it was too far gone to repair, and would need the whole framework to be replaced.
Fortunately, the sign itself was still in good condition so we set about finding a supplier of seasoned Oak to construct a new frame which would need to be double rebated to take the sign and a 18mm exterior grade ply backing board.
A supplier was identified which specialised in processing home-grown timber and an order was duly placed. WMS members worked on the timber and a new frame was produced with a new back board and the whole thing accurately made to house the sign. Several coats of bituminous paint were applied to the back of the sign with a special oil finish on the beautifully figured Oak frame.
On completion, members Bob E, Stuart G and Bob M re-installed the sign in its original position in Silsden.
The Silsden History Group Chairman told us that he was delighted with the job we had done and expressed his thanks.