Wharfedale Men’s Shed, what a wonderful bunch of guys! They are all so talented, friendly and willing to try and restore anything rather than waste or discard, something we should all consider in a world of discard rather than repair. They also create wonderful and unusual items and provide bespoke, made to order items. All are made to a high standard and much better than you would find in any shop.
Having met many of this wonderful group of gentlemen it is a pleasure to see the camaraderie, support and care that exists between them. They care for each other and their communities. I know that for those gents, who perhaps can no longer get to the workshop but still have a lot to offer, the workshop goes to them. Where else would you get that kindness and involvement?
Here at Colton Church, a small village church, we are so very fortunate to be involved with Men’s Shed. They support our fund raising events and Craft Fairs offering a fantastic array of useful items. Indeed, one lady completed her Christmas present list from their stall!! Their ingenuity is fantastic, this last year there were some small Christmas trees which lit up, made from recycled computer circuit boards. The group will also be involved with the renovation of the outdoor notice board (previous enquiries to other, so called restoration services, have been negative). Reuse and recycle, that is the motto of our church as we aim for ECO Bronze Award and Men’s Shed are certainly helping us to achieve this.
In the summer, we will also be asking the group to make some planters for the uniformed groups (Scouting and Guiding) to maintain and grow vegetables, flowers etc. To promote involvement from young people, who seem to understand more about our environment and waste than many others.
The ethos surrounding Men’s Shed is wonderful, everyone supports and helps each other. Many may live alone, be carers or have families which live away. As a retired nurse (45 years with the NHS) I understand that men are not the greatest at expressing their feelings, worries, concerns etc. Having a group like Men’s Shed must be a wonderful place to be able to go and talk to folk who will listen and support.
At Colton Church, we are very fortunate to have a member of Men’s Shed who has been helping with repairs within church. In doing so, he has been able to use equipment in the workshop and save the church some money into the bargain.
We, here at Colton, feel that organisations such as Men’s Shed should be supported and encouraged to expand so that others may join the ranks and feel, once again after retiring, valued members of society with a great deal to contribute.
Elaine Preston.
Co-Senior Steward & Property Secretary, Colton Methodist Church.