At Wharfedale Men’s Shed, we’re used to crafting everything from planters to mud kitchens, but our latest project had us spreading our wings—literally! When we were approached to construct a Barn Owl nesting box, we knew we’d be building something truly special.
The nesting box, built to a precise design, was a labour of love for the team. Working closely with our friends at WildLife Friendly Otley, another fantastic local charity, we crafted the box with the care and attention these magnificent birds deserve. Once complete, it was proudly installed on the Denton Estate, a perfect location for the owls to settle.
In Loving Memory of Chris Cullum
This project held even greater meaning for us, as we dedicated the box to our dear friend and former colleague, Chris Cullum, who sadly passed away in the Autumn of 2021. Chris was a passionate supporter of wildlife and a cherished member of the Shed. To honour his memory, we fitted a plaque to the nesting box bearing his name—a fitting tribute to a man who brought so much to our group and our community.
A Feathered Family Finds a Home
The story took a heartwarming turn in the very first year after the box was erected. A pair of beautiful barn owls moved in, making the box their home. Before long, eggs were laid, and the Denton Estate was soon home to five fluffy, wide-eyed chicks!
To help keep track of these stunning birds, the chicks were carefully ringed by experts, ensuring they can be monitored as they grow and eventually venture out into the wild.
A Nesting Success
Barn owls are truly magnificent creatures, and knowing that our work helped them thrive is a point of pride for everyone at the Shed. It’s also a testament to the wonderful partnership we’ve built with Wildlife Friendly Otley. Together, we’ve made a small but meaningful difference to local wildlife.
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
We’ll be adding some fantastic photos of the nesting box, the owls, and their chicks to this post, so stay tuned!
At Wharfedale Men’s Shed, every project tells a story, and this one will remain close to our hearts—not just for the owls it has helped but for the friend it honours. Here’s to Chris Cullum, whose memory lives on in this beautiful piece of nature.