Secretary Bob M was recently approached by Ani, who works for the Old Courthouse and is a friend to Wharfedale men’s Shed. She told Bob that she had a friend whose husband, Steve, had passed away and that his ashes were being kept in a cardboard box. Ani’s request was ‘could we make a nice wooden box which would be more enduring than the current cardboard box’??
Given the importance of the item to be made, Bob felt honoured that Ani had the faith in the skills of WMS members so asked her for some idea of dimensions for the box and armed with that information went off to search WMS stores and also his personal stocks of timber for some suitable wood. What he found was a plank of nicely grained pine nestled away in a corner of his workshop so went to work making the box. Ani asked if the lid on the box could be hinged and have clasps to close it tight so these were incorporated into the design.
So, making use of table routers, bandsaws, planing machines and a host of hand tools, the box was completed and handed over to Ani for delivery to her friend.

Bob contacted Ani a couple of weeks later and asked if her friend was pleased with the box and she replied as follows: ‘Thank you Bob, she loved his resting place box’.